Patanjali Divya Anu Taila 20 ml
Patanjali Divya Anu Taila
Patanjali Anu Taila is made from a combination of many herbs with various benefits. Its application has been known to cure diseases in the head, neck, shoulders, eyes, nose, ear, skin, throat, and hair. Application in an affected area gives relief from symptoms of ailments in these organs. It has a soothing impact on the skin surface and works internally to cool the brain and nerves.
Benefits and Uses of Patanjali Divya Anu Taila
- Useful in skin disease, tumor, etc.
- Cures pimples and acne.
Key Ingredients
- Khair (Acacia catechu)
- Devdaru (Cedrus deodra)
- Babachi (Psoralea corylifolia)
- Daruhaldi (Barberis aristata)
- Harar (Terminalia chebula)
How To Use
- As directed by the physician.
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What is Patanjali Divya Anu Taila?
Divya Anu Taila is made from a combination of many herbs with multiple benefits. It may helpful for relieving pain and help improve the function of all the sensory organs.
Can I use Anu taila daily?
Patanjali Anu Thailam can be used as a daily regimen for good health. It can help in solving problems related to the head, nose, throat that occur due to allergies. It can provide relief from respiratory problems.
How do you use Anu taila?
The best time of using Anu Thaila before going to bed is to help clear any congestion. This will help in avoiding a nasal block at night and allow you to enjoy a good night's sleep. You can also use 2 to 4 drops for Nasya, twice a day.