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Curatio Triclenz Hair Cleanser
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SKU: 1055413

AVAILABILITY: In stock (999 items)



Cleansers are products used to remove dirt, oil, sweat, makeup, and other impurities from surfaces. They are available in various forms, including liquids, creams, foams, gels, and wipes. Cleansers can be used on skin, hair, and household surfaces.

Facial cleansers are specifically formulated for use on the face. They are gentler than soap and are available in various formulas to suit different skin types, such as oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, and acne-prone skin.

Body washes cleanse the body. They are typically more sudsy than facial cleansers and may contain ingredients that help moisturize the skin.

Foam cleansers: These cleansers create a lather when mixed with water and are suitable for oily and combination skin. They remove dirt and oil effectively but can dry slightly, so a moisturizer is recommended afterward.

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