SBL Clearstone Drop Treat Kidney and Ureter Stones

SBL Clearstone Drop

SBL Clearstone drop is a unique combination of homeopathic medicines that can relieve kidney and ureter stones and bladder stones. It helps dissolve kidney stones and relieves renal colic (pain) by dissolving the urinary tract blockage caused by calcium oxalate and phosphates. Clearstone Drop also reduces inflammation in the kidney region, helping reduce pain and discomfort. This product is a safe and effective way to treat kidney stones of various shapes and sizes, quickly and safely dissolving kidney stones without further damage or surgery.

Indications of using Clearstone Drop

kidney stones

  • Kidney stones
  • Ureters or bladder stones
  • Inflammation in the kidney region
  • Renal colic (pain)

What are Kidney stones?

Kidney stones form when minerals such as calcium and oxalate build up in the kidney. The kidney can’t process these compounds, which accumulate, eventually forming kidney stones. If a kidney stone gets stuck in the ureters or bladder it can cause severe pain known as renal colic and blockage of urine flow.

Is Homeopathic medicine provide relief from Kidney stones?

Yes, homeopathic medicines can provide relief from kidney stones. Homeopathy strengthens the immune system, which helps the body heal itself naturally. Homeopathic remedies are gentle and do not cause side effects like conventional kidney stone treatments.

SBL Clearstone  Drop is an effective way to treat kidney and ureter stones and bladder stones. It quickly and safely dissolves kidney stones, reducing inflammation and pain. This product is a safe and effective way to treat kidney stones of various shapes and sizes without surgery or further damage.


SBL Clearstone Drop

SBL Clearstone Drop contains the following versatile homeopathic ingredients:

  • Berberis aquifolium
  • Lycopodium clavatum
  • Sarsaparilla officinalis
  • Hydrangea arborescens
  • Cantharis vesicatoria
  • Benzoic acid
  • Potassium phosphate
  • Magnesium phosphoricum
  • Calcarea oxalica
  • Natrum muriaticum


  • Take 10-15 drops of SBL Clearstone Drop in a little water three to four times a day or as directed by the physician.
  • Place the drops directly on your tongue and allow them to dissolve slowly before swallowing.
  • For best results, regularly use for at least three months or as directed by your health care provider.
  • If kidney stones persist, consult your physician for further guidance and treatment.

Benefits of Clearstone Drop

SBL Clearstone drop

  • SBL Clearstone Drop quickly and safely dissolves kidney stones of various shapes and sizes without surgery or other damage.
  • It helps reduce inflammation in the kidney region, relieving pain and discomfort.
  • It helps dissolve kidney, ureters, or bladder stones and relieve renal colic (pain).
  • Clearstone Drop is formulated with natural homeopathic ingredients, so it has no known side effects.
  • It helps strengthen the immune system, enabling the body to heal naturally.
  • Regular use of Clearstone Drop can prevent kidney stones from forming in the future and provide long-term relief.
  • Clearstone Drop is easy to use; it comes in liquid form and tastes pleasant.


  • Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional before using any homeopathic remedy or any health-related product.
  • Read all instructions carefully before taking this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store this product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.


SBL Clearstone Drop is an effective remedy for kidney stones and other urinary tract blockages. It contains a unique combination of homeopathic ingredients that quickly and safely dissolve kidney stones, relieving pain and reducing inflammation in the kidney region. It is a safe and effective way to treat kidney stones without surgery or further damage.


FAQs of SBL Clearstone Drop

Q1. Is SBL Clearstone Drop effective for kidney stones?

A1. SBL Clearstone Drop is an effective remedy for kidney stones and other urinary tract blockages. It contains a unique combination of homeopathic ingredients that quickly and safely dissolve kidney stones, relieving pain and reducing inflammation in the kidney region.

Q2. Is SBL Clearstone Drop safe?

A2. SBL Clearstone Drop is a safe and effective way to treat kidney stones without surgery or further damage.

Q3. How should I take SBL Clearstone Drop?

A3. Take 10-15 drops of SBL Clearstone Drop in a little water three to four times a day or as directed by the physician.