Patanjali Thandai 750ml
Patanjali Thandai
This is very useful to cure digestion problems, irregular periods, and stomach diseases. It is also useful in insomnia and nervous weakness. It gives energy and it鈥檚 a refreshment drink for our body and mind. Thandai is not only a refreshing drink but also gives many health benefits. In summer it is similar to the nectar. Therefore, make it and get ready to drink
Benefits And Uses of Patanjali Thandai
- It gives energy and it鈥檚 a refreshment drink for our body and mind
- It cools the body and makes strengthen our muscles and bones
- It contains calcium, protein and vitamin C.
- It Boost the immune power.
Key Ingredients:
- Sugar
- Water
- Almond
- Fennel
- Pumpkin seed
- Cucumber seed
- Watermelon seed
- Muskmelon seed
- Black Pepper
- White Pepper