Wheezal Mixture Syrup for Coughs and Chest Congestion

Wheezal Mixture Syrup

Wheezal mixture syrup is an effective expectorant that can relieve spasmodic coughs and chest congestion. It helps to loosen mucus and phlegm, making it easier to expel them from the body via coughing. Wheezal Mixture Syrup also relaxes the throat and bronchial passages, allowing for easier breathing and decreased chest discomfort. It can be used to treat and prevent congestion and reduce the need for antibiotics in those with weak coughs. Wheezal Mixture Syrup is an excellent choice for those seeking relief from spasmodic chest irritation caused by coughing. For best results, it should be taken regularly as directed.


  • Bryonia alb
  • Ipecac
  • Justicia Adhatoda
  • Sambucus N

Indications while using Wheezal syrup

  • Cough
  • Chest congestion

Benefits of Wheezal Syrup

Wheezal cough syrup
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup can treat and prevent chest congestion, making it easier to expel phlegm and mucus from the body.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup also helps relax the throat and bronchial passages, allowing for easier breathing and decreased chest discomfort.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup can reduce spasmodic irritation of the chest, minimizing coughing and providing relief.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup may help limit the need for antibiotics in those with weak coughs, allowing them to manage their symptoms naturally and effectively.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup is made from natural ingredients, including Bryonia alb, Ipecac, Justicia Adhatoda, and Sambucus N.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup should be taken regularly as directed for best results in treating coughs and chest congestion.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup is an excellent choice for those seeking relief from spasmodic chest irritation caused by coughing.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup can provide natural and effective relief without needing antibiotics or other medication, making it a safe option for many people.

Dosage of Wheezal Mixture Syrup

  • Adults should take 10-20 ml of Wheezal Mixture Syrup 2-3 times daily.
  • Children between 5-12 years should take half the dose prescribed for adults.
  • Infants should be given only 1-2 ml per dosage, and the frequency should not exceed three times daily.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup should be taken with water or as the physician directs.
  • Wheezal Mixture Syrup is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women unless prescribed by a doctor.


Wheezal Mixture Syrup is an excellent choice for cough and chest congestion patients. It is a natural expectorant that can help relieve spasmodic coughing, reduce chest irritation, and loosen mucus and phlegm for easier bodily expulsion. Wheezal Mixture Syrup should be taken regularly as directed for best results in treating coughs and chest congestion.


FAQs of Wheezal Mixture Syrup

Q1. How does Wheezal Mixture Syrup help with chest congestion?

A1. Wheezal Mixture Syrup helps to loosen mucus and phlegm, making it easier for the body to expel them via coughing. It also relaxes the throat and bronchial passages, allowing for easier breathing.

Q2. Who can take Wheezal Mixture Syrup?

A2. Wheezal Mixture Syrup is suitable for adults, children, and infants. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctor before taking Wheezal Mixture Syrup.