Homeopathic Medicine for PCOS/PCOD Symptoms

Many women uncomfortable with their menstrual cycle's physical and mental toll might be dealing with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS. This endocrine disorder is a common cause of irregularities in menses; delayed periods, nonexistent cycles for months on end, and missing ovulation symptoms such as excessive hair growth on the face and acne are all key indicators of PCOS. If you're struggling to understand why your body isn't acting normally, it could just be this hormonal imbalance that's inhibiting fertility during reproductive years.

Homeopathy can be an effective treatment option for PCOS/PCOD. Homeopathic medicines help to restore the hormones that are out of balance, regularize menstrual cycles, and manage PCOS symptoms such as heavy periods, facial hair, acne, hair fall, and skin pigmentation. While several homeopathic medicines are available to treat PCOS, selecting the right one for a particular case depends on individual signs and symptoms. It is advised that PCOS/PCOD sufferers should consult a homeopathic practitioner who can prescribe an appropriate medicine based on the patient's condition. Homeopathy offers natural and safe treatments that can help reduce PCOS symptoms and restore balance in the body while relieving PCOS sufferers.

PCOS Symptoms

PCOS and PCOD Homeopathic medicine

PCOS and Homeopathic Treatments are closely related and should be addressed simultaneously. By working with a homeopath, PCOS sufferers can find relief from their condition and regain control of their reproductive health. With appropriate treatments and lifestyle changes, PCOS symptoms can be managed effectively.

1 Increased Insulin Levels

2 Hereditary and Genetic Reasons

3 Low-grade Inflammation

4 Excess Androgen

How do I know I have PCOS?



PCOS is a complex condition and requires medical diagnosis with lab tests. Common PCOS symptoms are:

- Irregular periods or no period at all

- Heavy bleeding or very light/ infrequent cycles

- Excessive hair growth on the face and body

- Acne or other skin issues

- Hair loss from the scalp

- Weight gain

- Infertility or difficulty getting pregnant

If you experience any of these PCOS symptoms, it is advised to seek professional medical help right away. A homeopathic practitioner can assess your condition and provide suitable treatment for PCOS/PCOD.

Can Homeopathy Cure PCOS Permanently?

Homeopathic medicine

PCOS is a chronic condition that cannot be completely cured. However, homeopathy can help manage the symptoms of PCOS and bring the body into balance. Homeopathic treatments seek to address the underlying cause of PCOS, thus enabling long-term relief from its various symptoms, such as irregular periods, facial hair growth, acne, and hair fall. Homeopathic medicines are safe, natural, and effective at treating PCOS in a gentle and non-invasive way. They can even help to prevent PCOS from progressing into more serious conditions such as infertility or diabetes.

Homeopathic Medicines For PCOS

1 SBL Sepia Dilution 30 CH- For Irregular Periods, Facial Hair And Pigmentation

Sepia is an effective medicine to help manage several female health issues related to hormonal imbalance, such as ovarian cysts or facial hair. It also helps regularize the menstrual cycle for those experiencing late periods with scanty blood flow and a bearing-down sensation in the pelvic region. Sepia can even address infertility cases by helping balance hormones, while its action has also been known to lighten skin pigmentation! This medicine is prescribed to PCOS patients with an irregular menstruation cycle. It helps restore the normal menstrual cycle and reduces PCOS symptoms like hair fall, acne, and facial hair growth.

2 Dr. Reckeweg Apis Mell Dilution 30 CH– For PCOS With Swollen Painful Ovaries

Apis is prescribed to PCOS patients experiencing swelling and pain in the ovaries. It helps reduce fluid accumulation and edema while controlling PCOS-related symptoms such as acne, heavy periods, hair fall, etc. Apis can also be used as an adjunct to regular medical treatment to reduce PCOS symptoms and restore hormonal balance.

3 Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pulsatilla Dilution 30 CH– For PCOS With PMS Symptoms

Pulsatilla is given to PCOS patients with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and depression. It helps reduce PCOS-related signs such as heavy periods, facial hair growth, hair fall, and skin pigmentation. This medicine should be taken for at least three months or more to see effective results.

4 Dr. Reckeweg Germany Lachesis Dilution 30 CH– For PCOS With Excessive Facial Hair

Lachesis is a homeopathic medicine recommended for PCOS patients with excessive facial hair growth. It helps to regulate PCOS-related symptoms such as heavy periods, acne, and hair fall. This medicine should be taken for at least three months or more to see effective results.

How Long Does Homeopathy Take to Cure PCOS?


Homeopathy is a holistic treatment system and takes time to show results. However, taking homeopathic medicines for PCOS can help manage the symptoms of PCOS and restore hormonal balance within a few months. It is important to consult your homeopathic practitioner before starting any homeopathic medicine regimen to manage PCOS. With the right medication and lifestyle changes, PCOS can be effectively managed and its symptoms controlled.

Side Effects of Homeopathic medicine

Homeopathic medicines are safe to use and do not cause any serious side effects. However, it is important to take homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a qualified and experienced homeopath for the best results.


PCOS is a complex condition that affects many women and can be difficult to treat. Homeopathy offers a gentle, non-invasive treatment option for PCOS by addressing the condition's underlying cause. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage PCOS symptoms such as irregular periods, facial hair growth, acne, and hair fall.


Is Pregnancy Possible in PCOD?

Yes, PCOD patients can get pregnant. However, depending on the severity of PCOD symptoms and underlying conditions, PCOD patients may require medication and lifestyle changes to aid conception.

Is PCOS Curable?

PCOS is a long-term condition that cannot be cured completely, but it can be effectively managed with homeopathic medicines and lifestyle modifications. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce PCOS-related symptoms such as heavy periods, acne, facial hair growth, and hair fall.

How Long Does Homeopathy Take to Cure PCOS?

Homeopathy is a holistic treatment system and takes time to show results. However, taking homeopathic medicines for PCOS can help manage the symptoms of PCOS and restore hormonal balance within a few months.